The prestigious PANalytical Award was created in 2012 to encourage exceptional early-career researchers. At a time when formal research funding is becoming more difficult PANalytical took the initiative to present the winner with prize money of € 5000.
PANalytical is the world’s leader in the field of analytical instrumentation that recognizes materials by using X-ray technology. The techniques are typically applied in scientific research and for production control in the industry.
Previously part of the Philips organization, the company has been known by the name PANalytical since 2002.
PANalytical’s Dr. Jan Gertenbach was involved with organizing this award, and he says that offering this award to young scientists provided the organization with the unique opportunity to associate the PANalytical brand with excellence and increase its brand awareness within academia and scholars engaged in higher education and research.
PANalytical equipment is used by many research institutes and universities and therefore this kind of brand recognition is important to the company. It shows their gratitude to the important work researchers do.
The winner of the 2016 award, Dr. Thomas Bennett, received tangible and intangible benefits. The prize money was definitely welcome but Dr. Bennett also received something that money cannot buy: recognition for the high quality of his work.
The independent selection committee, including well-known scientists, was impressed with the exceptional quality of his research and he is a most worthy winner of the first PANalytical Award.
Thomas Bennett studied Natural Sciences (Chemistry) at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, graduating with MSci (Hons) in 2008. He continued his studies at the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the University, researching the thermo-mechanical properties of porous framework materials like big corporations like, for example, TenCate from Holland, are using.
Dr. Jan Gertenbach says that the first annual PANalytical Award has received a very positive response from the academic community and media. Also, the high number of entries affirms that PANalytical will continue to organize this award in the future.